“In all forms of art, part of you is in the trauma, and part of you is a step away from it,”

Maya Angelou

Behind the smile and the bright eyes, everyone has a battle they face. I found art, combined with meditation, as a way to cope with my battles against Cystic Fibrosis, anxiety disorder and chronic depression.

The art I create speaks the words that refuse to come from my mouth and express the emotion that I don’t know how to articulate. My paintings tell my story; they are parts of me on display for you.

I vulnerably present myself to you.

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic, progressive and incurable disease. Typically, CF patients are diagnosed as young adolescents, but Amanda wasn’t diagnosed until the age of 24. She has continued to defy the odds of living with such a devastating disease, but a lifetime of health struggles led to overwhelming depression and anxiety. Art gives her a creative release and a means of offsetting the medical costs associated with CF. To learn more about cystic fibrosis, visit www.cff.org.