travel Amanda Duncan travel Amanda Duncan

New Orleans, I’ll be back

I haven’t spent time in New Orleans, Louisiana, in at least twenty years, but now that I’ve moved my cystic fibrosis care to Tulane, I am being reintroduced to the city. Of course, New Orleans is home to the most well-known Mardi Gras parties and parades, but it’s truly so much more.

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travel John Ring travel John Ring

Athens, Texas…Home of the Hamburger???

Although named after Athens, Greece, I do not believe that I saw anything in Athens, Texas that left me feeling transported to a far-off land, drenched in history and legends. I did however step back in time when I entered into an old 1960s home that has been repurposed as an eclectic little coffee shop with a bronze sculpture of a big hamburger sitting on the table.

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John Ring John Ring

Creating Sacred Spaces in Ordinary Places

After helping construct the three-circuit labyrinth of glowing lights, we were immersed in a multi-deminsional experience. Alex Amora soaked us in a sound bath of various frequencies as we journeyed inward while walking the labyrinth path. Aris Kian recited her original poem, “Angel of Duty (Sophie’s Lament)”, and artist Eepi Chaad shared her knowledge of stones and natural elements with the gift of a Mala bead bracelet. The entire event was provided for free by the Houston Grand Opera.

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John Ring John Ring

Valdosta, Georgia

A pitstop in Valdosta, GA, was the delicious and creative reprieve I needed along a long road trip alone.

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John Ring John Ring

Dangerfield State Park

I needed to be in nature. I needed to feel my heart beat hard and fast. I needed the bouncing thoughts to land somewhere and be still for a minute.

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John Ring John Ring

Greenwood Rising

Before the 1921 Tulsa Massacre, Greenwood was known as Black Wall Street. Visit the area and tour Greenwood Rising.

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