Creating Sacred Spaces in Ordinary Places
Artist and entrepreneur Reginald Adams and his team have been “creating sacred spaces in ordinary places” with labyrinths and sound baths since 2014, and with public art for much longer. Along with my dear friend Debbie Rhodes, who has worked with Reginald in a non-profit setting in the past, I was able to attend hands-on training of how to design a labyrinth, and attend an amazing event at Wortham Theater Center in downtown Houston.
After helping construct the three-circuit labyrinth of glowing lights, we were immersed in a multi-deminsional experience. Alex Amora soaked us in a sound bath of various frequencies as we journeyed inward while walking the labyrinth path. Aris Kian recited her original poem, “Angel of Duty (Sophie’s Lament)”, and artist Eepi Chaad shared her knowledge of stones and natural elements with the gift of a Mala bead bracelet. The entire event was provided for free by the Houston Grand Opera.
The event was my first experience with a labyrinth, and as I went on the walking meditation, I felt emotion that I did not expect. I am at such at interesting place in my life; for the first time in my adult life, I have no one depending on me, which also means I am embarking on a life where I am making decisions based solely on myself. While that sounds like freedom, I realize that I have no one to depend on, and no one to use as an excuse if I’m not living the life that I desire.
While on my walking meditation, even though it was small, I journeyed deeply inward, and at one point, felt lost on the labyrinth path. I thought that maybe I had side-stepped and lost my way. Of course, I could have just stepped over the lights and started over, but that wasn’t the lesson. I kept going, following the lights and passing the center point several times before finally making it there. Once I stopped, and let the sounds wash over me and inside me, I realized that is exactly how I have been feeling….lost, like I've side-stepped my path, like I keep passing myself but not connecting.
That was the lesson. I am meant to stay the path. I am reminded by the Divine to connect, to remember my “why”, to not get distracted by the fear of the unknown, to step into the flow and allow my intuition to guide me to my purpose.
There is a fear in ultimate freedom that I am learning to embrace and use as a catalyst for growth. I am looking forward to learning more about myself, and taking the journey with others as well.
In the words of Aris Kian, “…remember what good we have left in our hands - cheerful sun, full of flame, don’t wait for happiness to chase you.”
Much love, Amanda